
The Final Project

  After about a month of filming, re-filming, and editing, the film is finally complete. I am very relieved. Actually, I am even joyous that this film project is finished. I loved the whole process of making an opening sequence. The editing process was difficult and frustrating but I feel I am getting better at it. My favorite part of the project was the initial planning, storyboarding, and actual filming.    During the planning stage, I understood what I had to do and how to complete it.    The creative aspect of these parts of the project seemed to come easy to me, which made it enjoyable. My least favorite was the editing tasks. This was probably because it was new to me and a challenging learning experience. I felt dependent on different Youtube instructions and had to keep watching different videos to learn. The YouTube posts I found on editing skills were definitely helpful and taught me a lot. I love to learn and absorb new skills, I learned a lot th...

Almost Closing Up!

 After about a month of filming, re-filming, and editing, the project is almost complete. We are relieved and grateful that this project is almost finished. We enjoyed the whole process of making the video. Although some parts such as filming were a little more difficult. Collectivity we would say the best part of the whole project was the initial planning, storyboarding, and filming. Here everyone was able to let out their creative ideas and we all understood and knew what to do. On the other hand, the editing process didn't come as easy. Unfortunately, only one of our members knew how to edit and put the music video together. The rest of us remaining had to sit, observe, and learn from what our group mate was doing. While it seems that some scenes may have to be reshot. Whether that be because of the length or lighting, it will need to be adjusted. The transitions in the editing need to be looked over and reviewed. I'm sure that there are several options that better suit the ...

Final Music Selection

Ever since the music research that took place long before production. We did not end up with a solid music choice. There were only four rules that we established. One was that it was both free and not copyrighted. We all believed that the permission we needed to use copyrighted music was going to take too long. Two was for it fit the thriller/scary theme that we were going for. We scratched the idea of inputting music that fit the mood of a certain scene. The beginning scenes were simply for plot build-up, not mood setters. Three was for it to be in a lower register. The explanation for this is because of our extra dialogue. This music has to be noticeable through the talking but also has to induce a sense of anxiety in the watcher. A study was done for music that the lower its register, the more likely it is to put the listener in a stressful/scared mood. Unfortunately, I can not find the article that said this, so we will be going off my past information and memory. Lastly, the song ...

Titles, Titles, and More Titles

 In the morning today, I went to watch our film to make sure it was perfect once again. When I finished it, something seemed off. I decided to watch it one more time and I saw what was off. None of our previous titles had been included! Since I am the editor of the group, this mistake is on me. Yet, I could not help but be disappointed that none of my groupmates mentioned such a critical mistake. I did not want to delay and immediately started to think about how I was going to first, insert these titles. Secondly, come up with creative names and who will be what. I decided on using alight motion for the titles. I am very familiar with the app, it is easily accessible, and any mistakes made can be quickly fixed. One problem is, that Imovie and alight motion do not get along, At least on my phone. I tried what seemed a million times to export the film to alight motion and it was no use. I did not know how to get over this obstacle since I am not the best with electronics and I ended ...

A Much Needed Break

 After about a month of filming, re-filming, and editing, the project is almost complete. Although this is supposed a follow-up blog on the process my group has been making. We all took our FSA writing this week. I ended up taking mine today, and I am burnt out. In our school, every Thursday of the first week of the month we are provided a Professional Study Day (PSD). In order to maintain my working skills in all seven of my classes. I use days like this to decompress and destress! I made sure all my work had been completed the day before such as Deltamath, previous blogs, etc, so my day could be cleared. After taking my 2 hour FSA writing test, the school day was almost over. I walked to 4th period with my friend and was only in there for about 30 minutes. Once the bell rang I walked with my friend to the car loop. Riding with my mom all the way back home. Once arrived, I decided I was going to watch a movie. Seeing that I am taking a media studies class. It is easy to assume tha...

Music Research

Production is finished! Editing has come to a close. The final touch is music is still needed. Before any production started. We all wanted to establish songs that we would input into the film. This was rather easy since songs that fit the thriller/scary genre are easily accessible. The more difficult part was our creative difference which altered our music choice. One member of our group suggested that we use upbeat songs during the build-up scenes such as when the two main characters are walking together. I objected to this idea because the only time "happy" music is used in thrillers. It is either distorted or a jump scare is coming up. Seeing as we have neither of those, the music would just seem misplaced. Another obstacle we have is the heavy amount of dialogue we have. It seems that in the majority of our scenes we have two characters conversing with each other. The music will have to be turned down to a noticeable level if we want to use it during any of those scenes....