Final Music Selection

Ever since the music research that took place long before production. We did not end up with a solid music choice. There were only four rules that we established. One was that it was both free and not copyrighted. We all believed that the permission we needed to use copyrighted music was going to take too long. Two was for it fit the thriller/scary theme that we were going for. We scratched the idea of inputting music that fit the mood of a certain scene. The beginning scenes were simply for plot build-up, not mood setters. Three was for it to be in a lower register. The explanation for this is because of our extra dialogue. This music has to be noticeable through the talking but also has to induce a sense of anxiety in the watcher. A study was done for music that the lower its register, the more likely it is to put the listener in a stressful/scared mood. Unfortunately, I can not find the article that said this, so we will be going off my past information and memory. Lastly, the song was to have no words or any dialogue. We only wanted to use it in the background. It would be worse if it clashed with the dialogue of the film.  I started to search Youtube once more just in case any new, better songs had been uploaded for our use. After about an hour of doing this. It seems that Youtube has been lacking in the thriller background genre! 
(this picture is a great example of the feeling you should get while watching our film)


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