Intro Blog

 Hello, My name is Mia. I am 15 years old and this is my first year taking AICE Media Studies. I'm excited to be a part of this class because I have always wanted to explore filmmaking and become a better storyteller. I joined this class not only for the learning opportunities but more importantly to one day pursue a career in the entertainment and filmmaking industry. I find myself analyzing the details of shows I watch as to what makes a movie or television show great. Some would say I have an eye for the process and the details that go into different shows, but I have yet to gain experience working on one of my own. The closest I have been was a 7th-grade group assignment in which we had to make a music video about Math. We were tasked with creating lyrics and video footage about math formulas. It only took my group three days of preparing and filming to complete the project. The final product was well received and was given an A grade. The coursework in AICE Media Studies has me eager to get started. I truly can't wait for the media projects we will be doing this year. Being back in class and working in person with my teachers and fellow classmates is so refreshingly different from last year's online learning. This is a very hands-on and personal learning class environment which would have seemed rather difficult to perform via Zoom. Last year was very challenging for me. Not in terms of the online schooling,  because my grades were fine the entire year, but I felt so cut-off from everything. I had never gone through something like that and it was definitely an experience I can say I would not like to go through again. I am a very social person who likes to interact with others daily. Quarantine did force me to learn new ways to entertain myself but I am so happy to not be spending most of my days at home in front of my computer, muting and unmuting myself. I know most of my classmates feel the same way. Now that we are back, my classmates and I all have our inner Steven Spielberg energy flowing and can't wait to get started. 


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