Research Blog

 My group is doing a commercial for disposable masks. These commercials typically showcase emotional situations (sick/old people at risk), certain angles, and sounds/music in order to convince people to buy and wear masks.


  • The most common angles used in these commercials are eye level, which humanizes the person in the commercial, making it easier to reach an emotional connection with the viewer.
  • In addition to the eye level, the commercials typically use close up shots to intensifying the eye contact between commercial and viewer, therefore increasing emotional connection
  • In terms of camera motion, these commercials often use a tracking shot to follow the main individual in the commercial, which inserts the viewer in the action of the individual, making it easier to empathize with them
  • These commercials purposely lack music in order to focus on diegetic sounds coming from humans (etc. heart beating, breathing, and exhaling), which is once again an attempt to summon pathos in the viewer.
  • Most non-diegetic music coming from the commercial will be sad/emotional music, either used throughout the commercial or only on the logo at the end
  • COSTUME: Costumes in these commercials vary on the setting, however, the usual costumes happen to be regular attire worn by everyday people, or clothing found in hospital environments such as doctor's uniforms or patient clothing.
  • LIGHTING: Lighting tends to be that of natural light, or artificial light emulating natural light. This type of lighting is more casual and makes viewers more willing to take the emotional value of the commercial into consideration.
  • ACTING: Actors will either have a lot of dialogue, moreso with an intention to inform the viewers about the safety risks of not wearing a mask, however, actors will also tend to have little to no dialogue if they are trying to connect with the viewer emotionally. 
  • MAKEUP: Makeup, if any, will lean to a more natural/casual look, once again making the people in the commercial more relatable to viewers.
  • PROPS: Props will, of course, involve masks; however, other than that, items of an everyday nature (ie. laptops, schoolbooks, pots,) which are used by actors to do everyday things. The effect of this is that it makes the commercial more casual and relatable.
  • SETTING: Settings in mask commercials are places associated with disease, for example, hospitals or crowded everyday paces like school or the grocery store

  • Mask commercials generally rely on simpler editing, using jump cuts in order to show different angles of a single event, which complement the commercials general short nature and make the event easier to understand by viewers

  • Withing the usual single event in these commercials, there will be an action cut to show the actor doing the action, and then the second show to match the first action made by the actor. This goes to making the commercial and the order of the events easier to understand to the viewer


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