Final Day of Filming

Today was my group's final day of filming our commercial. When class started, we were able to go outside and start filming almost immediately, which gave us all the time we needed. Also, we were very fortunate today to have one of our classmates assist with our filming. It was a big help with two specific scenes because both my partner and I are in those shots. We learned that having an assistant makes the process go by even faster. There was a "Blooper" moment during one of the shots today. I was supposed to be handing the actor a mask to put on, but I kept on positioning my arm in a weird and awkward way that made us all laugh. It was funny to playback. I had a difficult time correcting my arm movement, so we had to record the scene a couple of times until I finally got it right. Another challenge today was our final scene shot. We had the actor walking in front of the camera while putting his mask on. We wanted to capture a smooth, quick slip-on of the mask, but with his AirPods on and because he was walking, it was hard to get this shot. We had a difficult time getting in sync with the actor's movement and with how we should be moving to keep in step with the actor. Either the actor was walking too fast, or the camera operator was too fast. Both of us had to fix our pacing to make the shot look good. We did get the shot after a few attempts. We had to reshoot a scene from our last week today as well. When we reviewed our clips, we realized there were some things we needed to correct to make the commercial better. The reshoot was a simple opening scene, which was fairly easy to retake because now we had some practice and we knew what we didn't want in the shot. We retook our third scene shot too. This one had the actor ripping the "Mask Required" sign-off of one of the main school entrance poles. In the first take, it was very windy so you could barely see the sign and we both didn't like how the ripping of the paper was captured. We fixed this by going to another pole which was shielded from the wind. We feel that all of our clips are finally ready to go! We headed into class, but couldn't start editing because neither of us had brought a computer with us to school today. With the time we had left in class, we went through all of the takes and made sure we had the shots we needed to use in the commercial. It felt good to get this portion of the project completed.


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