
Our commercial represents the important social issue of wearing facial coverings to control the spread of COVID 19. Most people use masks as a habit now but there are people that don’t wear masks. We found during our research for the commercial that there are several reasons why someone may not wear a mask. The reasons vary from being uncomfortable to wanting to look cool or different, or political reasons. Whatever the reason may be, it was critical that people wear a mask and stay safe during this pandemic. Masks have helped throughout the duration of the pandemic to help prevent the loss of lives to COVID 19. Our commercial message was focused on teenagers that do not regularly wear masks. This specific topic made it easy to craft our content in a way that we felt would be relatable. We also wanted to target a younger group of people because we felt it would be easier to aim for people in our age group. Since teenagers care about how they are perceived by others, our message almost wrote itself. The distribution of the media.was important so we tried to keep it in a format easily shared across different social media. We try to add humor in the scenes to help with its promotion and distribution as well. Going into this project I did not know anything about production. I had no production experience so it made the project intimidating. After a while of filming, I started to feel comfortable and thinking in terms of how the shot would be captured. You could say that I got my Director's eye. When it came to editing, I didn't even know what editing was. I had never used an editing program or anything like it. The good news was that our commercial was only going to be 30 seconds long but when I was actually editing it felt like a full-length movie. My partner did have some editing experience and was a huge help. He taught me the basics and the various tools we could use in our editing program. I wasn't a quick learner and it was frustrating but worth it in the end, I have a good foundation of production skills now and I'm excited to use them on my next project. My partner chose iMovie as the editing technology for us to use. He said it was the easiest and most efficient to use for this kind of assignment. When it came to the filming and other preparations, we used my iPhone which had the best camera quality and most stable internet connection.  We used my iPhone as our workstation too. We looked up the different terms of shots and clips to integrate into the storyboard. We only used my iPhone for filming, Using one device for filming made it easier. No clips had to be sent or forwarded and we had consistency in the video quality. There was one piece of technology shown in the commercial which was Airpods that the actor was wearing. He wore them the entire time which added to his character. When it came to editing, we each used our own phones. We took a few clips each to work on then merged our edits together. 


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