Arrangement Adventure


Our music video is simple when it comes to props. Our main props will be an iPhone since it is critical for the storyline.


Since each member will be in the video, each one will have their own costume according to their character. In regards to our main character, she will be wearing comfortable attire and simple shoes. Our next character who is the embodiment of jealousy will be wearing unnatural makeup with bright colored clothes that cover most of his body. Finally, the last character will be wearing a skirt, t-shirt, and jewelry.


11/15/21: Our group established props, costumes, makeup, and location

11/17/21: Our group will have finished our 12-slide storyboard 

11/27/21: Our group will have shot the first 6 slides of the music video 

12/4/21: Our group will have shot the last 6 slides of the music video 

12/9/21: Our group will have finished editing and final touches 

Location List: 
We are planning to shoot the majority of the film in a school-like setting. Here we will have our establishing shot, and characters introduced. Allowing for our storyline to be understood by the audience and flow better. Later, the scenes will be shot in our main character's room. Here it will help wrap up the story and give the audience an ending they can understand. 

Backup Plan: 
If our school setting does not work out, we will go to a forest area/park. It will allow the story to still make sense. If we can not film in our main character’s room, we switch to another one of our group member's houses. If a member is absent or unavailable, we will either film the scenes they are not in or begin the editing process. 


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