Beginning of Production

On Saturday, November 27 our group started filming. Our main goal was to film the first 6 slides of our storyboard. We went to our local mall and since we didn’t need to set up any props or put on any costumes; we found a good spot a just began filming. Since it was the day after Black Friday, it was pretty crowded so it took a little bit of time to find a clear place for us to film. We found a less-traveled section of the mall in the very back of the second floor. There were stores in this section but they weren't the big retail types so it still looked like the mall without all the holiday shoppers. I was the main cameraman as my character was only on screen for two clips. It was a little difficult getting on the same page with my team because I misunderstood at first what my group members wanted. As they were directing me in terms of angles and time, I kept slipping up or having to ask them again to explain. The third time they explained it to me, their directions clicked and I was able to get the right footage. After getting the shots we needed in this part of the mall, we then went down to the food court. To our surprise, the food court was somewhat vacant for all the people that were shopping in the mall that day. My group members scouted the area and found where we were going to film the scene. An added bonus was that the lighting was very good in the place we choose. The shots came out the way we expected and we finished filming. We took multiple takes so I went through and deleted all the unnecessary takes. Then favorited the ones we wanted to use in the music video. I tallied up the overall time each clip was. As well as how much time we had left to use. Finally, I added all the clips together and we called it a productive filming day.



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