Genre Research: Comedy

 When researching a widely used genre with many different interpretations it can be hard. Comedies are light-hearted dramas, crafted to amuse, entertain the audience, and provoke enjoyment. The comedy genre humorously exaggerates the situation, the language, action, and characters.

The comedy itself has a list of more than a million movies, and then you would have to indicate which ones mix genres. Many movies like Scary movie have aspects of horror while being comedy movies based on a definition standpoint. This is something we want to stay away from when creating our film.

Numerous camera angles are used to produce this type of film, most commonly the wide and close shot. The tactic of using wide angles allows that determines your scene's location. These types of camera angles remind us where the characters physically are. Another camera angle often used is a low angle which we will be also be adapting for our opening. The angle has been used to show people that have fallen or the sky view from below. This will be used as an introductory shot for a presumable powerful person.

Sound and its use are very important for a comedic movie. Besides the already funny dialogue, added sound effects for dramatic effects.
Sound like a character's speech, the roar of a speeding car, or the clapping of "an invisible" audience can be edited in, diegetic sound to be heard and not necessarily shown on screen. We will be using this technique for when we edit later on.

Researching movies like Superbad and Grown-ups, we found various things we like and didn't. In both movies, the opening sequence is an array of pictures and videos of the characters at younger ages to portray the relationship between characters.


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