Genre Research: Thriller

 Thriller is a genre that focuses on catching the audience's attention by inflicting suspense or anticipation. A commonly confused with the genre horror, the thriller genre is drastically different. While Horror focuses on scaring the audience and prioritizes the main confrontation as the climax thriller does otherwise. In the Thriller Genre, its main goal is to leave tension and leave the audience on edge.

There are many camera angles used in the thriller genre. For example, the most common filming angles are closeups or extreme closeups, low and high angle shots, canted angle shots, wide shots, and more. What is en scene is used can drastically change a film. In thrillers typically low-level lighting, props, and little to no makeup are essential. This is to make the film more believable for the audience. To pair with believability and to add emotion when editing thriller films pacing is key. Knowing the right moment to use fast or slow pacing can change the feel of a scene. Recent thriller films that implement this concept are "Run", "Old", and " Unhinged". Elements of the thriller genre that I like is its ability to keep the audience invested. The skill of attracting the gaze of the audience and getting their full attention. There use of lighting is very important and I would use this for future films. Personally, an element that doesn't appeal to me is pace timing. When and where you use fast or slow pacing can drastically change the scene. It can also affect the audience's understanding of the film. There have been times pacing has been an issue in thriller movies causing their rating to be bad.


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