Title Design Research: Horror

1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequence of the film? Which ones?
 The opening sequence provides many titles from all departments. It starts off by presenting the production team, which happens to be "A verse entertainment" in association with "The Safran company" and "dark trick Films". It then proceeds to show the main character's actor and all the components of the production team. This happens to be people such as the editing, sound, makeup, and visual effects professions. The names were listed in a way to represent roots in the soil further showcasing the theme of being buried. 
 2. What connotations do the images carry? (how do they make you feel?) 
The images that are carried throughout the opening sequence revolved around going further and further underground. The titles were presented at a time which later would later go off-screen to show us going deeper underground. The background was made from dirt which allowed you to sense what the movie could be about. The general plot can be inferred from the background alone if you hadn't seen the title or summary page. Towards the end of the opening, we see the lines creating boxes to show money on the screen and a clock. Without having a summary, you can feel a sort of mystery to this movie. The audience would want to try and already predict what the journey the main character would have to go through. 
 3. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? (can you tell what genre the film is?) 
Symbolic codes reinforce the genre of thriller by adding elements of a mystery to the opening. Quick makeups of money, a clock, and a large tower allow the audience to guess what they're about to watch and allow some to guess incorrectly and be excited to find out. Without seeing a summary of the movie someone can sense that this movie will deal with topics like being buried. They will be watching and at the edge of their seat to know if the main character is being buried or if they are doing the action? If they are being threatened, then why?
 4. What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? 
One main convention to ensure the appeal is the element of surprise and an overall creepy feeling that any thriller fanatic would be targeted. The constant foreshadowing of the act of being buried will make the audience want to stay throughout the whole movie to see how it plays out. Makes them want to see what the plot is and how the main character interacts with the situation and tries to solve it.


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