Scheduling Mistake!
It was finally time to start filming our storyboard slides. We made all the preparations and were ready to go when our friend surprises us by suddenly starting a job. This threw our scheduled plans down the drain and we had to start planning from scratch. We sat in class and started to fill in March and April calendars. This would easily illustrate our filming days. Two of our members are in a band. Many of their performances and competitions have them booked during the times it would have been convenient for the rest of us. Although spring break seemed like the best option. We had another team member with vacation travel plans to El Salvador so the days we had left were Friday and Saturday. We selected the day! It left us with the following Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I personally thought this was great because refilming would be much easier. Now had to figure out our transportation. All of us are over the driving permit age, yet none of us know how to drive. This left us with one option, ride the school bus. Two of our members ride the same bus and they both catch the bus right next to where our filming location is. I and the other non-bus member went to find a way to travel with them on their bus ride. We asked our teacher about our plan and she explained we just needed to get a signed bus pass from the administration office. The request has to be issued on the day we will be riding the bus and the bus pass given to the bus driver. Everything ended up getting figured out and properly scheduled.
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